Neusa Dias

Below average salary surveys done by some unions Secretaries:

Technical: $ 800 to U.S. $ 1400.00
Executive - R $ 1400.00 R $ 5200.00

Technical secretariat - R $ 850.00
Executive Secretary - R $ 1650.00

Average Wage
Technical Secretariat in - between R $ 573.00 R $ 888.00
Secretary (o) Executive (o) - from R $ 1368,00 R $ 2250,00

Technical secretariat - $ 700.00
Executive Secretary - $ 1500.00

Technical secretariat - $ 600.00
Executive Secretary - $ 1,000.00
Desk display - up from $ 1500.00

Technical secretariat - $ 600.00 to $ 800.00
Executive Secretary - $ 800.00 to $ 1,500.00


Technical (o) in the Secretariat:
technical-level professionals in small and medium enterprises: from $ 800.00 to $ 1,500.00
in large companies: from $ 1,800.00 to R $ 2800.00

To Work (o) Executive (o):
in medium-sized companies: R $ 1200,00 R $ 3200,00
the large enterprise: from $ 3500.00 to $ 8000.00

the market for technical professionals: R $ 1052.00
in medium-size range: $ 1281.00
the large company: R $ 1683.00
For Executive Secretary:

the market from: USD $ 1904.00
in medium-size range: $ 2065.00
the large company achieves: R $ 7000.00

Technical secretariat - R $ 680.00 R $ 920.00
Executive Secretary - $ 1,000.00 to R $ 2350.00

Technical Secretariat in - Minimum $ 500.00 (increases from experience)
Executive Secretary - Minimum $ 1,000.00 (with area of at least one language, from R $ 1.300,00)

Portuguese Desk $ 1500.00
Bilingual Desk $ 2500.00
Secretary Trilingual R $ 3500.00

Comentário sobre Salário

O cargo Secretária Executiva, na área específica de Secretaria, possui tendências salariais nos mais variados mercados contemplados pela pesquisa salarial. Deve ter Ensino Superior, Inglês e Espanhol conhecimento em informática e em toda rotina de uma Secretária Executiva.


1- Salário - Nas sociedades capitalistas, salário no conceito Max, é o preço oferecido pelo capitalista ao empregado pelo aluguel de sua força de trabalho por um período determinado, geralmente uma semana ou mês, ou por unidade de produção.

2- Rotina- É o caminho percorrido e conhecido, em geral trilhado maquinalmente ou sequência de atos ou procedimentos que se observa pela força do hábito ou ainda uso, prática, norma geral de procedimento.

3- Mercado- É o local onde se encontram quem quer comprar e quem quer vender e que, através de um processo de negociação, determinam o preço e a quantidade do bem a ser transicionado/trocado por ambos.
Aline de Oliveira
Finding work-life balance in today's frenetically paced world is no simple task.

Spend more time at work than at home, and you miss out on a rewarding personal life. Then again, when you face challenges in your personal life, such as caring for an aging parent or coping with marital problems, concentrating on your job can be difficult.

Whether the problem is too much focus on work or too little, when your work life and your personal life feel out of balance, stress — along with its harmful effects — is the result.

The good news is that you can take control of your work-life balance — and give yourself the time to do the things that are most important to you. The first step is to recognize how the world of work has changed. Then you can evaluate your relationship to work and apply some specific strategies for striking a healthier balance.
(Bibliography: Mayo Clinic staff)
For more information on this article click here
Work-life: equilíbrio
Challenges : Desafios
Harmful: Prejudiciais
Recognize: Reconhecer
Evaluate: Avaliar
Aline de Oliveira

Hi girls

It doesn´t matter if we are called secretaries or administrative assistants, today is our day (in fact, everyday but... lol)!!

Happy Secretaries´Day!

Happy: Feliz
Secretaries' day: Dia das Secretárias
Aurineide Sousa
    Conference: this type of meeting the speaker is in the highest place and talk about a certain subject. There are already some companies in their own offices to computer conferencing. So you have agility in the meetings, less travel, increased frequency and number of people participating. Can also be made in conference rooms of hotels.

  • Round table: it is organized and run by an engineer (driver) that will be a moderator, guiding the debate to remain always in the objective of the meeting. People attending the meeting are divided into offense and defense.

  • Panel: consists of two groups. One that exposes the other subject that came with your explanation.

  • Seminar: all persons who participate in this type of meeting should be aware of the issue to be addressed so that their goals are achieved.

  • Symposium: is a meeting of involved professionals.




- Conferência: neste tipo de reunião o conferencista fica em lugar mais elevado e fala sobre determinado assunto.

- Mesa redonda: é organizada e dirigida por um coordenador.

- Painel: formado por um grupo que expõe e outro que acompanha a explicação.

- Seminário: geralmente os assuntos tratados são para o alcance de objetivos.

- Simpósio: participantes especializados.


Aware: informado

Meetings: reuniões

Place: lugar

Moderator: mediador

Addressed: endereçado

Bibliography: Tools of the Executive Secretary / Keyla Christina Almeida Portela, Alexandre Jose Schumacher. -- 1. ed. -- Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, SP : Publisher Viena, 2006.


As fotos acima são referentes à IV Semana Acadêmica de Secretariado Executivo da Unigranrio que ocorreu entre os dias 28 a 30 de setembro com várias Palestras.
No dia 30 em comemoração ao Dia do Secretário, a Coordenação, Professores, Alunas e ex Alunas, fizeram uma grande festa com direito a minha música e diversão.
Neusa Dias
Caracteiecas Ideal for a professional
A Secretary or accessor you want to be a good professional should always remember these basic rules:
Job security;
Leadership; Moderation face delicate situations; Common sense and emotional balance; Agility to make right decisions;Humility to admit their limitations and accept criticism;be friendly, pleasant, helpful to all;Comreensão and cooperation with their colleagues;Organization and planning skills;Punctuality in their commitments.

Á vida em uma empresa é também uma vida em comunidade.Para ter uma boa convivência uma secretária ou acessora deve ter capacidade de bem relacionar com os executivos auxiliares, colegas, visitantes e subalternos.


1 - Liderança: É habilidade de motivar e influênciaro os outros.
2 - Bom senso: Sabedoria e razão, e que define a capacidade média que uma pessoa tem.
3 - Dicrição: É o comportamento pessoal na sociedade e o cartão de visita de cada um. Agir sempre discretamente.
4 - Humildade: A virtude da temperança, da disciplina e da medida, enquanto vincula esse impulso natural á ordenação da razão, chama-se humildade.
5 - Pontualidade : Pontualidade é respeito! Respeito é qualidade de atendimento.

We are beautiful, confident, compassionate, Loyal, Comrades, authentic and often Friends for life. Let's stop a moment and consider our role "Nothing goes, our manager is not starting point trips do not occur as planned customers to run over, and no one understands. We are a part that can not miss this puzzle. Nothing is done without us. The amounts of the day, writing, good service, good relationship with people, kindness, these are all just props that we have, and we made so much to give, and give the best is that this place was built to us. In our work the priority of the day is who, the always competent Secretary.
The executive secretary modern takes on more commitments and responsibilities are far removed from services and bureaucratic routine of the past. Besides having a more effective influence in company decisions, is a thought-leader and has assumed management functions providing, at the same time, assistance to various executives.