1. Further changes with wisdom:
Accept and participate in continuous changes of the paradigms of business and the profession itself.
2. Challenge your creativity:
Develop your creativity and apply it continuously.
3. Develop a continuous improvement:
Adopt the practice of continuous improvement as a philosophy of life and work.
4. Manage information:
Keep up to date, transmit the information to their customers, partners and suppliers. Make the information on its strategy for success.
5. Customize advice:
Customize advice to their customers, differentiating them. Charming them.
6. Communicate:
Promote communication in your company and live the great adventure of interacting with other people.
7. Develop your technology:
Be in a state of technological development.
8. Orchestrate the teams:
Act as conductor of the orchestra, with regard to the times in which it participates.
9. Model is:
Be the model and not the imitator.
10. Be proud of your profession:
Thank always the chance that life has given you to act in this profession exciting and successful.
Promova mudanças com sabedoria; desafie a criatividade; desenvolva a melhoria contínua; gerencie informações; personalize a assessoria; comunique-se; desenvolva a sua técnologia; orquestre os times; seja modelo; orgulhe-se de sua profissão.
Charming: encanto
Manage: administrar
Further: promover
Develop: desenvolver
Be proud: Orgulhe-se
Source: http://www.facape.br/secretariado/decalogo.html