Aurineide Sousa
The market for professional went through a period of stability, but has good growth prospects for the coming years, due to increased demand for executive secretaries bilingual or trilingual. Multinational and national firms doing business with other countries have increasing need for specialists in secretarial and translation and interpretation. Most places open where there is high concentration of companies and industries from various sectors, such as the metropolitan areas of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba, and the Paraíba Valley and Campinas (SP). The service sector is the one that has engaged, especially banks and builders, followed by commercial enterprises such as large chain stores and supermarkets. In this case, professionals with expertise in administration and information technology are the most requested. Another possibility is the open, since state enterprises that did not used to look professional, are increasingly looking to their services.


O mercado para o profissional de secretariado executivo passou por um período de estabilidade, mas apresenta boas perspectivas de crescimento para os próximos anos. Empresas multinacionais e as nacionais necessitam cada vez mais de profissionais capacitados, pois a demanda de negócios internacionais aumenta a cada dia, nas principais metrópolis brasileiras. Nesse caso, profissionais com conhecimentos em administração e tecnologia da informação são os mais requisitados.


Increasing: Aumentar
