The sentence of the book is the story of the desk, since the time of the scribes, whose work has always been linked to the act of writing. Represents the write secretariat and symbolizes writing their own history. The snake wrapped around a pole representing the East, the wisdom that can be used both to build and destroy.
Oath for the Degree
I, Professional Executive Secretary, under oath, I pledge:
"Exercising the profession within the principles of ethics, integrity, honesty, and loyalty, respect the Constitution, the Code of Professional Ethics and institutional norms, seek continuous improvement and, to contribute with my work for a more just and more humane."
Stone: Sapphire Blue
Official color adopted at the Plenary Consec-VIII National Congress Secretariado/1992 in Manaus.
Fonte: http://www.fenassec.com.br/
A serpente enrolada no bastão, representa o Oriente, a sabedoria que pode ser usada tanto para construir como destruir. A pena do livro representa a história da secretária.
Anel: Safira Azul
Wrapped: envolvidas
Seek: buscar
Improvement: melhoria
Since: desde
Wisdom: sabedoria
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