Aurineide Sousa

To maintain staff morale during times of crisis, leaders can ease the fears of his subordinates clearly explaining possible impacts on their pension plans, benefit programs,
pay and even the guarantee of employment. It is what experts say the consulting firm Watson Wyatt.
The turmoil in financial markets because, of course, concern for workers, says Second Tascon, regional director of Watson Wyatt's retirement. In his view, companies can help employees understand the implications of their investment strategies, especially for the purpose of retirement, including the importance of saving, diversifying portfolios and maintain a long-term perspective.
Tascon suggests that leaders keep in mind some basic principles of communication:

Be a leader.

Be visible.

Use your team.

Be coordinated.

Share responsibility.

Give up the myth of message control.

Be human.

A agitação dos mercados financeiros causa, obviamente, preocupação para os trabalhadores, diz Segundo Tascon, diretor regional de Retirement da Watson Wyatt. Na sua opinião, as empresas podem ajudar seus funcionários a entender as implicações de suas estratégias de investimentos, em especial com o objetivo de aposentadoria, incluindo a importância de economizar, diversificar as carteiras e manter uma perspectiva de longo prazo.


Explaining: explicando
Clearly: claramente
Fears: medos
Guarantee: garantia
Employment: emprego
Retirement: aposentadoria

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