Aline de Oliveira

Make and serve coffee, file documents, answer phones, send telegrams ... the classic stereotype that marked the secretaries for a long time, there were only a few jokes biased. Gradually, these professionals have been gaining share in the labor market and, ultimately, the world began to see the Executive Secretariat with different eyes. As the executives themselves, these characters are becoming increasingly important for organizations of all sectors.

This professional development has contributed greatly to the growth and development of the area. If before the attendants were taken as 'nannies' executives today its functions have been processed and ampliadas.As tasks are no longer support, but to complement the activities.

This multifunctional feature has attracted the eyes of various industries. Therefore, the playing field of the registry is getting wider. The professional secretariat can act both in public and private organizations and in small, medium and large.

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Translated from Portuguese to English


Gradually: Gradualmente
Professionals: Profissionais
Becoming: Tornando-se
Multifunctional: Multifuncional
Therefore: Portanto
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