"The profession of the secretariat is the 3rd in the world, statistical analysis by the United States, traditional country in statistics and indisputable credibility, and that has been confirmed every year since. And according to the writer and scientist Robert Reich, the profession has plenty of ingredients to become the 1st millennium of the profession: combines functions of the select group of three activities of the future: routine, interpersonal and analytical / symbolic and is located in the fastest growing sector in the world of work, the Services Sector. "
O que falamos nesse tema é do crescimento do profissional de Secretariado Executivo. Hoje o profissional de secretariado é respeitado e cada vez mais a sociedade compreende melhor essa profissão. A evolução da profissão o nome secretária em muitos países não atende mais a descrição das atribuições e as responsabilidades que esse profissional assumiu nos últimos anos. Tanto que esse assunto foi discutido nos Estados Unidos (FENASSEC, 2009).
Indisputable - Incontestável
Plenty - Abundância
Growing - Crescer
Located - Localizado
Aline de Oliveira

Make and serve coffee, file documents, answer phones, send telegrams ... the classic stereotype that marked the secretaries for a long time, there were only a few jokes biased. Gradually, these professionals have been gaining share in the labor market and, ultimately, the world began to see the Executive Secretariat with different eyes. As the executives themselves, these characters are becoming increasingly important for organizations of all sectors.

This professional development has contributed greatly to the growth and development of the area. If before the attendants were taken as 'nannies' executives today its functions have been processed and ampliadas.As tasks are no longer support, but to complement the activities.

This multifunctional feature has attracted the eyes of various industries. Therefore, the playing field of the registry is getting wider. The professional secretariat can act both in public and private organizations and in small, medium and large.

Retrieved from:
Translated from Portuguese to English


Gradually: Gradualmente
Professionals: Profissionais
Becoming: Tornando-se
Multifunctional: Multifuncional
Therefore: Portanto
Aline de Oliveira

Here are English tips.

Attach - anexar
She attached the documents to the report and sent it to the client.

Badge - crachá
You cannot enter here without a badge.

Be down - estar fora do ar
I am sorry, our system is down. Can I call you back in a few minutes?

business card - cartão de visita
Don't forget to take your business card when you visit the new supplier.

Due date - data de vencimento
The due date for this invoice in the 27th.

Facility - instalação
Welcome to our facilities. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

File - arquivo
I need to file these papers today. Where did you open the new file?

Issue - questão, assunto
We need to discuss and solve this issue immediately.

Office hours - expediente
Our office hours are from 8 am to 6 pm.

Reply - responder
Please don't forget to reply as soon as possible.

Spreadsheet - planilha
He is an expert in creating spreadsheets.

Schedule - horário
Please be sure to schedule the meeting with the client. My schedule is very tight this week.

Update - atualizar
We need to update our site. I would like to update you on the news.

Have a great week.

Best regards,

Marcadores: , 0 comentários | | edit post
Adriana Felipe

The word ethics comes from Greek ethos, meaning custom, ethics must be understood with a set of principles designed to discipline and regulate customs, morals and conduct of individuals.

Strictly speaking, ethics is used to conceptualize duties and establish rules and conduct of the individual, the performance of their professional activities and their relationship with customers and others. is the so-called professional ethics, which exists in virtually all professions and result of habits and customs that prevail in society. Thus arose the codes of ethics, they provide guidance, establish guidelines for a decent level of professional conduct. Professional ethics is a set of principles governing the official conduct of a profession.

All codes of ethics have in their text most of the following principles:

honesty at work;
loyalty to the company;
formation of a professional conscience;
execution of work at the highest level of income;
respect the dignity of the human person;
discretion in the exercise of the profession;
Ethics Professional to the department head;
observation of the administrative rules of the company;
treatment courteous and respectful to superiors, peers and subordinates and immediate support to efforts to improving the profession.

Esse texto fala da ética

A palavra ética vem do grego ethos, que significa costume, a ética deve ser entendida com um conjunto de princípios destinados a disciplinar e regular os costumes, a moral ea conduta dos indivíduos.
Ser ético, portanto é buscar sempre o bem, combater vícios e fraquezas, cultivar virtudes, proteger e preservar a vida e a natureza.


Honesty- honestidade
loyalty- Lealdade
dignity- dignidade
Efforts- Esforços
Courteous- Cortês, delicado

Portela, Keyla Christina Almeida, Alexandre Jose Schumacher . Ferramentas do Secretário Executivo1.ed Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, SP: Editora Viena, 2006.
Aurineide Sousa

To maintain staff morale during times of crisis, leaders can ease the fears of his subordinates clearly explaining possible impacts on their pension plans, benefit programs,
pay and even the guarantee of employment. It is what experts say the consulting firm Watson Wyatt.
The turmoil in financial markets because, of course, concern for workers, says Second Tascon, regional director of Watson Wyatt's retirement. In his view, companies can help employees understand the implications of their investment strategies, especially for the purpose of retirement, including the importance of saving, diversifying portfolios and maintain a long-term perspective.
Tascon suggests that leaders keep in mind some basic principles of communication:

Be a leader.

Be visible.

Use your team.

Be coordinated.

Share responsibility.

Give up the myth of message control.

Be human.

A agitação dos mercados financeiros causa, obviamente, preocupação para os trabalhadores, diz Segundo Tascon, diretor regional de Retirement da Watson Wyatt. Na sua opinião, as empresas podem ajudar seus funcionários a entender as implicações de suas estratégias de investimentos, em especial com o objetivo de aposentadoria, incluindo a importância de economizar, diversificar as carteiras e manter uma perspectiva de longo prazo.


Explaining: explicando
Clearly: claramente
Fears: medos
Guarantee: garantia
Employment: emprego
Retirement: aposentadoria

Aurineide Sousa
The market for professional went through a period of stability, but has good growth prospects for the coming years, due to increased demand for executive secretaries bilingual or trilingual. Multinational and national firms doing business with other countries have increasing need for specialists in secretarial and translation and interpretation. Most places open where there is high concentration of companies and industries from various sectors, such as the metropolitan areas of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba, and the Paraíba Valley and Campinas (SP). The service sector is the one that has engaged, especially banks and builders, followed by commercial enterprises such as large chain stores and supermarkets. In this case, professionals with expertise in administration and information technology are the most requested. Another possibility is the open, since state enterprises that did not used to look professional, are increasingly looking to their services.


O mercado para o profissional de secretariado executivo passou por um período de estabilidade, mas apresenta boas perspectivas de crescimento para os próximos anos. Empresas multinacionais e as nacionais necessitam cada vez mais de profissionais capacitados, pois a demanda de negócios internacionais aumenta a cada dia, nas principais metrópolis brasileiras. Nesse caso, profissionais com conhecimentos em administração e tecnologia da informação são os mais requisitados.


Increasing: Aumentar

Adriana Felipe

Prayer Secretary Before you, you are the creator and source of all the wonderful gifts, thank you for my work and my profession. I offer my hard work, commitment and professional staff to be helpful and generous, welcoming and serving with joy to speak and to listen, forgive and ask forgiveness, act with integrity and sincerity, patience and balance and faces the difficulties, be understanding and supportive, trying to maintain a good relationship and the common welfare. sometimes, Master, I feel fragile, small and even unsafe to make decisions that are up to my job. but you know me deeply, you know all my intentions. So I ask you, what inspires me and guides me, giving me wisdom and serenity. enlightens me to do my work with dignity and pursue my activities in safety and joy. Lord besides that I am also an official collaborator, companion and friend to all, without distinction. Thank you, Lord, for my work, the daily bread, for my vocation to serve and collaborate. Amen

Oração da secretária

Esse texto fala sobre a oração da secretária , como ela deve ser com o seu chefe, ser amiga,íntegra, honesta , leal e pricipalmente ser uma profissional que faça suas tarefas com dedicação.


understanding- compreensão
integrity- integridade
maintain- manter
forgiveness- perdão
trying - árduo

Portela,Keyla Christina Almeida, Schumacher Alexandre Jose 1 . ed Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, SP: Editora Viena, 2006.
Aurineide Sousa

1. Further changes with wisdom:
Accept and participate in continuous changes of the paradigms of business and the profession itself.

2. Challenge your creativity:
Develop your creativity and apply it continuously.

3. Develop a continuous improvement:
Adopt the practice of continuous improvement as a philosophy of life and work.

4. Manage information:
Keep up to date, transmit the information to their customers, partners and suppliers. Make the information on its strategy for success.

5. Customize advice:
Customize advice to their customers, differentiating them. Charming them.

6. Communicate:
Promote communication in your company and live the great adventure of interacting with other people.

7. Develop your technology:
Be in a state of technological development.

8. Orchestrate the teams:
Act as conductor of the orchestra, with regard to the times in which it participates.

9. Model is:
Be the model and not the imitator.

10. Be proud of your profession:
Thank always the chance that life has given you to act in this profession exciting and successful.



Promova mudanças com sabedoria; desafie a criatividade; desenvolva a melhoria contínua; gerencie informações; personalize a assessoria; comunique-se; desenvolva a sua técnologia; orquestre os times; seja modelo; orgulhe-se de sua profissão.


Charming: encanto

Manage: administrar

Further: promover

Develop: desenvolver

Be proud: Orgulhe-se


Neusa Dias

Below average salary surveys done by some unions Secretaries:

Technical: $ 800 to U.S. $ 1400.00
Executive - R $ 1400.00 R $ 5200.00

Technical secretariat - R $ 850.00
Executive Secretary - R $ 1650.00

Average Wage
Technical Secretariat in - between R $ 573.00 R $ 888.00
Secretary (o) Executive (o) - from R $ 1368,00 R $ 2250,00

Technical secretariat - $ 700.00
Executive Secretary - $ 1500.00

Technical secretariat - $ 600.00
Executive Secretary - $ 1,000.00
Desk display - up from $ 1500.00

Technical secretariat - $ 600.00 to $ 800.00
Executive Secretary - $ 800.00 to $ 1,500.00


Technical (o) in the Secretariat:
technical-level professionals in small and medium enterprises: from $ 800.00 to $ 1,500.00
in large companies: from $ 1,800.00 to R $ 2800.00

To Work (o) Executive (o):
in medium-sized companies: R $ 1200,00 R $ 3200,00
the large enterprise: from $ 3500.00 to $ 8000.00

the market for technical professionals: R $ 1052.00
in medium-size range: $ 1281.00
the large company: R $ 1683.00
For Executive Secretary:

the market from: USD $ 1904.00
in medium-size range: $ 2065.00
the large company achieves: R $ 7000.00

Technical secretariat - R $ 680.00 R $ 920.00
Executive Secretary - $ 1,000.00 to R $ 2350.00

Technical Secretariat in - Minimum $ 500.00 (increases from experience)
Executive Secretary - Minimum $ 1,000.00 (with area of at least one language, from R $ 1.300,00)

Portuguese Desk $ 1500.00
Bilingual Desk $ 2500.00
Secretary Trilingual R $ 3500.00

Comentário sobre Salário

O cargo Secretária Executiva, na área específica de Secretaria, possui tendências salariais nos mais variados mercados contemplados pela pesquisa salarial. Deve ter Ensino Superior, Inglês e Espanhol conhecimento em informática e em toda rotina de uma Secretária Executiva.


1- Salário - Nas sociedades capitalistas, salário no conceito Max, é o preço oferecido pelo capitalista ao empregado pelo aluguel de sua força de trabalho por um período determinado, geralmente uma semana ou mês, ou por unidade de produção.

2- Rotina- É o caminho percorrido e conhecido, em geral trilhado maquinalmente ou sequência de atos ou procedimentos que se observa pela força do hábito ou ainda uso, prática, norma geral de procedimento.

3- Mercado- É o local onde se encontram quem quer comprar e quem quer vender e que, através de um processo de negociação, determinam o preço e a quantidade do bem a ser transicionado/trocado por ambos.
Aline de Oliveira
Finding work-life balance in today's frenetically paced world is no simple task.

Spend more time at work than at home, and you miss out on a rewarding personal life. Then again, when you face challenges in your personal life, such as caring for an aging parent or coping with marital problems, concentrating on your job can be difficult.

Whether the problem is too much focus on work or too little, when your work life and your personal life feel out of balance, stress — along with its harmful effects — is the result.

The good news is that you can take control of your work-life balance — and give yourself the time to do the things that are most important to you. The first step is to recognize how the world of work has changed. Then you can evaluate your relationship to work and apply some specific strategies for striking a healthier balance.
(Bibliography: Mayo Clinic staff)
For more information on this article click here
Work-life: equilíbrio
Challenges : Desafios
Harmful: Prejudiciais
Recognize: Reconhecer
Evaluate: Avaliar
Aline de Oliveira

Hi girls

It doesn´t matter if we are called secretaries or administrative assistants, today is our day (in fact, everyday but... lol)!!

Happy Secretaries´Day!

Happy: Feliz
Secretaries' day: Dia das Secretárias
Aurineide Sousa
    Conference: this type of meeting the speaker is in the highest place and talk about a certain subject. There are already some companies in their own offices to computer conferencing. So you have agility in the meetings, less travel, increased frequency and number of people participating. Can also be made in conference rooms of hotels.

  • Round table: it is organized and run by an engineer (driver) that will be a moderator, guiding the debate to remain always in the objective of the meeting. People attending the meeting are divided into offense and defense.

  • Panel: consists of two groups. One that exposes the other subject that came with your explanation.

  • Seminar: all persons who participate in this type of meeting should be aware of the issue to be addressed so that their goals are achieved.

  • Symposium: is a meeting of involved professionals.




- Conferência: neste tipo de reunião o conferencista fica em lugar mais elevado e fala sobre determinado assunto.

- Mesa redonda: é organizada e dirigida por um coordenador.

- Painel: formado por um grupo que expõe e outro que acompanha a explicação.

- Seminário: geralmente os assuntos tratados são para o alcance de objetivos.

- Simpósio: participantes especializados.


Aware: informado

Meetings: reuniões

Place: lugar

Moderator: mediador

Addressed: endereçado

Bibliography: Tools of the Executive Secretary / Keyla Christina Almeida Portela, Alexandre Jose Schumacher. -- 1. ed. -- Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, SP : Publisher Viena, 2006.


As fotos acima são referentes à IV Semana Acadêmica de Secretariado Executivo da Unigranrio que ocorreu entre os dias 28 a 30 de setembro com várias Palestras.
No dia 30 em comemoração ao Dia do Secretário, a Coordenação, Professores, Alunas e ex Alunas, fizeram uma grande festa com direito a minha música e diversão.
Neusa Dias
Caracteiecas Ideal for a professional
A Secretary or accessor you want to be a good professional should always remember these basic rules:
Job security;
Leadership; Moderation face delicate situations; Common sense and emotional balance; Agility to make right decisions;Humility to admit their limitations and accept criticism;be friendly, pleasant, helpful to all;Comreensão and cooperation with their colleagues;Organization and planning skills;Punctuality in their commitments.

Á vida em uma empresa é também uma vida em comunidade.Para ter uma boa convivência uma secretária ou acessora deve ter capacidade de bem relacionar com os executivos auxiliares, colegas, visitantes e subalternos.


1 - Liderança: É habilidade de motivar e influênciaro os outros.
2 - Bom senso: Sabedoria e razão, e que define a capacidade média que uma pessoa tem.
3 - Dicrição: É o comportamento pessoal na sociedade e o cartão de visita de cada um. Agir sempre discretamente.
4 - Humildade: A virtude da temperança, da disciplina e da medida, enquanto vincula esse impulso natural á ordenação da razão, chama-se humildade.
5 - Pontualidade : Pontualidade é respeito! Respeito é qualidade de atendimento.

We are beautiful, confident, compassionate, Loyal, Comrades, authentic and often Friends for life. Let's stop a moment and consider our role "Nothing goes, our manager is not starting point trips do not occur as planned customers to run over, and no one understands. We are a part that can not miss this puzzle. Nothing is done without us. The amounts of the day, writing, good service, good relationship with people, kindness, these are all just props that we have, and we made so much to give, and give the best is that this place was built to us. In our work the priority of the day is who, the always competent Secretary.
The executive secretary modern takes on more commitments and responsibilities are far removed from services and bureaucratic routine of the past. Besides having a more effective influence in company decisions, is a thought-leader and has assumed management functions providing, at the same time, assistance to various executives.
Saving the makeup:

Before applying makeup, apply the skin a piece of ice wrapped in gauze. The ice closes the pores of the skin and makeup lasts longer. If your skin is oily, replace the ice for astringent lotion and apply a thin layer of Vaseline before the base. After makeup, use a spongy moistened in cold water to lightly press the face.

Location: Center of Rio de Janeiro
Superior Complete
Experience of 3 years as secretary
know in computer
Advanced English
Desirable to have the record secretary (DRT)

The parties should return to the curriculum:
Work is today is to choose a profession. It is like what you do. It is investing in growth and harmony in personal and professional. Is aware of their important role as an agent of change and acting as adviser and facilitator.

"Make it a day of reflection, self-analysis and personal training"
Aurineide Sousa
Symbolism of the Secretariat

The sentence of the book is the story of the desk, since the time of the scribes, whose work has always been linked to the act of writing. Represents the write secretariat and symbolizes writing their own history. The snake wrapped around a pole representing the East, the wisdom that can be used both to build and destroy.

Oath for the Degree

I, Professional Executive Secretary, under oath, I pledge:

"Exercising the profession within the principles of ethics, integrity, honesty, and loyalty, respect the Constitution, the Code of Professional Ethics and institutional norms, seek continuous improvement and, to contribute with my work for a more just and more humane."

Stone: Sapphire Blue

Official color adopted at the Plenary Consec-VIII National Congress Secretariado/1992 in Manaus.
A serpente enrolada no bastão, representa o Oriente, a sabedoria que pode ser usada tanto para construir como destruir. A pena do livro representa a história da secretária.
Anel: Safira Azul
Wrapped: envolvidas
Seek: buscar
Improvement: melhoria
Since: desde
Wisdom: sabedoria
Adriana Felipe


Tag-descriptive word of French origin "ETIQUETTE "

It is a kind of aesthetics of life, both social activities and within the home. Lends harmony, beauty and charm to everyday acts and duties as well as some flowers can in a vase make the most modest room.
To be able to live in society, it is crucial to obey certain rules. They come of their own home, the family formation, and may be different in different social groups. Everyone needs to know at least the basic rules of social coexistence.

The types of label

Tag home

You do not need a specific definition, after all is the art of dealing with the family and all those who are part of the home.

social Label

The rules and behaviors essential to acquire a posture, for living together in society, always from the self. (Holidays, meetings, celebrations ...) interaction and evolution.

Label profissional

Summary of behavior and attitude at work officials to their superiors, subordinates and the general public.

Some items in everyday life of people:

Present - is always the person least be more important.

Presenting a man and a woman, a person younger than the oldest

The most important person reaches out to put to it or make reference to the head. The most important person is who he says "how are you.

Never kiss the hand of an unmarried woman.

Kissing, only in degree of intimacy very large and especially among young people.

In restaurants or public places should just do a salute with his head.

At a reception not forget to serve water.

When someone sneezes do not say "health" this act shall be ignored.

Do not use jewelry along with jewelry.

Avoid unpleasant matters at tables or workshops

Tips behavior

Phone should not be used at events, meeting rooms, inside elevators, on legal advice and, especially in front of the customer;

proucuro save your contacts regularly informed about their work and initiatives. Send e-mails from time to time you read to know what you're doing now.

Discipline yourself to do at least one phone contact per day, for a friend or acquaintance, only to keep up the conversation;

Never let anyone waiting for you. Exercise always punctuality;

From all the attention will respond to phone calls and emails received;

Where there are cocktails, always hold the cup with his left hand, leaving the right hand free for greetings.
Portela,Almeida Christina Keila, Schumacher José Alexandre :Ferramentas do Secretário Executivo 1ª edição. São Paulo:editora viena 2006.
Aline de Oliveira
Secretary is an administrative assistant in business office administration.
The executive secretary (sometimes called administrative assistant) has a myriad of administrative duties. Traditionally, these duties were mostly related to correspondence, such as the typing out of letters. The advent of word processing has significantly reduced the time that such duties require, with the result that many new tasks have come under the purview of the secretary. These might include managing budgets and doing bookkeeping, maintaining websites, and making travel arrangements. Secretaries might manage all the administrative details of running a high level conference or arrange the catering for a typical lunch meeting. Often executives will ask their assistant to take meeting minutes and prepare meeting documents for review. They may also do personnel paperwork which used to be thought of as a Human Relations function; this might also include understanding the complex rules regarding Visa and Immigration.To be successful today the executive assistant must have a broad level of skills and be creative in managing new situations.

Typing: Digitando
Managing: Gestão
Bookkeeping: Contabilidade
Maintaining websites: Manutenção de web sites
Adriana Felipe

On September 30 is celebrated The day da secretary.
happy day of the secretary.
Adriana Felipe

There are times, operational tasks such as answering the phone, typing and filing documents are no longer their main responsibilities, today, they assume, also, more strategic functions, which are understood as guidelines and future decisions, ie, the set of decisions that determine the behavior required by the company in a given period of time.
Thus, his new responsibilities include the management of internal communication, analysis and sorting of documents and information, and preparation of presentations, reports and correspondence, as its broad language skills.
also occupy a position of mediators, they develop teamwork and mediate human relationships, therefore, are often the link in the chain of information between subordinates and supervisors.
The relationship with the external world is also a difference in the new configuration of their tasks because they also act as event organizers, and some companies, like public relations.
Gradually, companies are realizing that these professionals have their regulated profession, there are several courses of technical training, technology and higher as well, there are refresher courses in various subjects of interest category, and there are very highly trained, trained multifunctional and multicultural.
And that provides training subsidies for the professional secretarial able to cope with the diversity of subjects passing on his desk. The profile proactive and committed beyond the discretion and the perception and attention to detail are features that highlight the profile.
The work of a secretary, besides being efficient, that is correct and good quality to be effective, reaching, totally, the result expected by the company.
Thus, professionals constantly update has a guaranteed place in organizations, because they are seen as partners. As professionals who facilitate the work

Aline de Oliveira

Secretary's Day, The (1947) Compares daily activities of a secretary

Adriana Felipe
academic weeks secretary executive days 28,29 e 30 - Unigranrio
Adriana Felipe
Month of September Desk - On September 30, 1985 was signed the law No 7377/85 which regulates the profession of Desks.
The secretary broke all paradigms and today it is has positions of high trust. The secretary in the modern world The secretary is a professional advisory board, the executive, she provides you with information and performs the tasks entrusted to it. The competence of a desk can be evaluated not only by their ability to deal with papers and material objects, but also for their ability to deal with people. So Secretary of today should be related positively with people with whom she works a good human relationship with the executive is essential for the proper performance of her work.

No mês de setembro comemora o dia da secretária - Em 30 de setembro de 1985 foi assinada a lei n º 7377/85 que regulamenta a profissão de Mesas. O secretário quebrou todos os paradigmas e é hoje tem cargos de confiança elevado.O secretário, no mundo modernoO secretário é uma placa profissional de consultoria, o executivo, ela fornece-lhe informações e executa as tarefas que lhe são confiadas.A competência de uma mesa pode ser avaliada não só pela sua capacidade para lidar com papéis e objetos materiais, mas também por sua capacidade de lidar com as pessoas.Então secretário de hoje deve estar relacionada positivamente com as pessoas com quem ela trabalha um bom relacionamento humano com o executivo é essencial para o bom desempenho de seu trabalho.


Competence- Competência
Relationship- Relacionamento
positively- Positivamente
regulates Regula
entrusted- Confiada

Hernandes, Sônia. Manual da secretária:técnicas de trabalho.9.ed. São Paulo:Atlas S.A,2004.344p.